ESP Guitars and Basses ESP LTD Horizon Custom 87 6-String Rig...
While ESP first got started in 1975 as a small repair shopin Tokyo, it was really toward the mid ‘80s when the guitars and basses grabbedthe attention of players around the world. The team has expanded the popularLTD ’87 Series to include some of the most coveted guitars from that timeframe. The ESP LTD Horizon Custom 87 6-String Right-Handed Electric Guitartakes the amazing archtop body of the ESP Horizon, and offers it exactly asyou’d have found it in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s minimally adorned and builtto shred. The ESP LTD Horizon Custom 87 6-String Right-Handed Electric Guitar offersneck-thru-body construction at 25.5-inch scale for intense sustain, pairing analder body and an extra-thin three-piece maple neck. The Horizon Custom ’87features a Macassar ebony fingerboard with 24 extra-jumbo frets and no inlays, side position dots help you find your way. Its components include a Floyd Rose1000 double-locking tremolo, a Seymour Duncan TB-5 Custom Trembucker in thebridge, and a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in the neck position. Coil spitting forsingle-coil tones on either or both pickups is available via push-pull controlson the volume and tone knobs. | ESP Guitars and Basses ESP LTD Horizon Custom 87 6-String Right-Handed Electric Guitar with Alder Body (Candy Apple Red) | Financing Available.
Brand: LTD |